August 15


Today we made a trip to the state capital. The weather was perfect: sunny, partly cloudy, no rain, and temperatures around 21°C (just below 70F), low humidity. Can it please stay that way till the end of summer? Thanks.

We wanted to have a look-see and maybe do some shopping. We’ll be back another day with the big cameras.

The castle. Incredibly beautiful! It’s located on an island in the lake. IMG_5784

For centuries the palace was the home of the dukes and grand dukes of Mecklenburg and later Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Today it serves as the residence of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern state parliament (German: Landtag). It is regarded as one of the most important works of romantic Historicism in Europe and is designated to become a World Heritage Site. It is nicknamed “Neuschwanstein of the North”.

The palace’s (good-natured) ghost Petermännchen (“little Peterman”) is said to roam the halls of the Schweriner Schloss. This invisible little creature is said to be no more than a few feet high, and is often depicted in clothes from the 17th century, something resembling a cavalier.

(more on Wikipedia)


View over the Pfaffenteich (a pond).img_5776img_5794

Pfaffenteich in black & whiteimg_5792

I don’t know anything about that statue.img_5768

Spent 110 Euro on this cute new coat. What? You thought that looks like an old woolen blanket from your Granny’s attic? Far from it!! Pics lie. It’s the cutest and cosiest coat ever. Waiting for the cool autumn days now 😉img_5790

And this – admit it – is the cutest tea towel you’ve ever seen 🙂img_5795

So what we mostly did today was checking out places to visit when we come back with the SLR cameras, shopping, and walking walking walking.  So much though, that it became a little too much for my condition and I ended up feeling completely exhausted. We shouldn’t have wlked around the Pfaffenteich at the end of a long day. Yes it seemed possible at first but then it ended up being too much. Didn’t feel well for the rest of the evening and decided to stay on the couch the next day to get some needed rest.

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